martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

The use of posidonia oceanica (seagrass) as a building material

Let us begin by asking you, do you know what seagrass was traditionally used for?

1- In agriculture, as a fertilizer and a material to increase bulking in excessively clayey soils for cultivation.

2- In stockbreeding for animal bedding.

3- In the past, as a building material and thermal insulation.

We focus on point 3. This is why our project is called #LifeReusingPosidonia. We use dry seagrass as a building material, as in the past, taking advantage of its thermal insulation properties.

Why do we believe that it is a good idea to use posidonia in construction?

First reason:

Because it makes us of the natural resources at hand, not having to transport it to the island. This means a reduction in the consumption of non-renewable raw materials and a reduction in carbon emissions.

Second reason:

Because we recover its former use as thermal insulation. Years ago, buildings were made with wooden beams and cross braces - usually juniper wood- on which a 20-30 cm thick layer of seagrass was laid. This was then cover with a mixture of ash and lime from the lime kilns and then finished off with a layer of clay. Nowadays traditional houses in Formentera made this way are still standing. Reusing and advancing.

Third reason:

Because we use the material from the controlled removal of seagrass without harming the environment, as it is essential to maintain beach dunes! In Formentera there is such a surplus that we have no problems with sourcing, and it is good to make good use of it.

These are the three reasons why we believe that using posidonia oceanica #isagoodidea. We have begun to use it in the 14 Public Housing homes in Formentera.

Help us to publicise the project and support efficient and responsible building!

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Trip to Alghero, Sardenya

On the 16th of May of 2018 we exposed our project Life Reusing Posidonia in Dipartimento di Architettura, design e urbanistica, Università ...