On the 16th of May of 2018 we exposed our project Life Reusing Posidonia in Dipartimento di Architettura, design e urbanistica, Università degli Studi di Sassari, in the island of Sardenya.
We did a double presentation: on Wednesday 16th we unveiled the exhibition ‘Life Reusing Posidonia/Alghero’ and on Friday 18th we took part in the ‘Conferenze sull'Economia Circolare in Edilizia, organized by Antonello Monsù Scolaro.
The opening included the projection of the documentary and the speeches of one of the local experts and professor in the Univesità di Sassari (UNISS) Antonello Monsù Scolaro, architect; Francesco Spanedda, architect and town planner, and Vicenzo Pascucci, geologist.
Vicenzo Pascucci explained the good condition of the posidonia meadows in Alghero, a city which name is due to the marine plant, and the good coastline control system, as the regular system is the displacement of the dead leaves to the beach shore. In comparison with the other places that we have visited, they are so advanced that their control system is what Xisco Xavier Roig i Munar, Doctorate in Geography and Doctorate in Geology, claimed for the Balearic Islands in the presentation of LRP in Maó. And now it will be possible its implementation thanks to the adoption of the pioneer ‘Decret 25/2018, de 27 de juliol, sobre la conservació de la Posidonia oceanica a les Illes Balears’.
Notwithstanding the above, Vicenzo Pascucci considers the system nowadays applied in Alghero is an expense of resources and money, and he suggests not to remove the posidonia leaves gathered at the beach, and educate tourists to share theis baths with dead leaves, essential to perserve the dunes. From Life Reusing Posidonia project we support and applaud this option, that is more respectful with the ecosystem, and it is perfectly suitable with the use of the posidonia surface layers that have no sand in those places where power is enough.
Francesco Spanedda explained the state of the recovery in Sardenya and Antonello Monsú showed the resources map bound to the reuse, drawn from his book Progettare con l'esistente. Riuso di edifici, componenti e materiali per un processo edilizio circolare.
And on Friday 18th we took part in the Conferenze sull'Economia Circolare in Edilizia organized by Antonello Monsú Scolaro too, with academics and institucions from all over Europe. That day we got to know a lot of people that share interests with the LRP project.
In his exhibition, Antonello Monsù proposed the following game:
‘If we replace the word ‘automobile’ in the residues regulation of the automotive sector for ‘building’, the sense doesn’t change. So, why don’t we aplly it?
We can’t make a summary of all the interesting talks of the day, but we do want to remember one of the ideas that Laura Cutaia, from ENEA( Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile) introduced, idea that we had already discovered with UDO in Madrid, and it deals with considering cities like 21st century querries. That is to say, the stock of the building already constructed, obsolete and disused has to be the main resource base for the construction industry.
When the session finished I asked if someone could come along with me to see Marco Zanuso’s house in Arzachena, who we knew for T’EdA arquitectes, as an exemple of local architecture and integrated with the environment.
Some of the attendees asked 'perché vuole andare alla Costa Esmeralda’? where Zanuso’s house is located, and it is cosidered one of the most affected areas for the massive construction, built before the entry into force oh the law that forbid the construction at less than 2.000 meters from the seaside, in contrast to Spain, where the ‘Ley 2/2013, de 29 de mayo, de protección y uso sostenible del litoral y de modificación de la Ley 22/1988 de Costas’ determine a protection area of 100 meters.
We enclose a picture of the views from ‘case di vacanze a Arzachena’.
The unspoilt landscape surprised:
Does it seems constructed?If we cconstruct more we will seem the Balearic Islands.
Of course, thank you.
We want to thank the hospitality of Andrea Manca and Chiara Salaris, architects and doctors of the Architecture and Civil Engineering School of Cagliari, that came along with me to visit the house and other examples of tradicional architecture.
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