viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

The project against climate change arrives to Palma

The sample claims to go back to the traditional architecture as an action for struggle against polluting emissions. 

The exhibition itinerant of the european project against climate change Life Reusing Posidonia arrives on Friday to Casal Solleric, and it will remain until the 3rd of December. This building has a great leadership in the project origin, because in the Casal Solleric rehabilitation works, were found dry posidonia remains and the anecdote help to boost the project REUSING POSIDONIA when in 2010 it was doubted the viability of the dry posidonia recovery as tile insulation. 

All palaces of Palma were built between XlV and XVll century using dry posidonia to protect the coffered ceilings (wooden roofs) and it is discovered fully operational 600 years after. Now, their use is recovered to the building with 14 social housing in Sant Ferran promoted by IBAVI, where they have rehearsed the formulas to reduce the ecological footprint of the buildings and they have been monitored the good functioning. 

This building is an activity of the european project against the climate change Life Reusing Posidonia, an environmental governance project promoted by IBAVI and Directorate General of Energy
and Climate Change of Government of the Balearic Islands, with a view to providing verified data to the European, Local and Regional Institutions for the drafting of future regulations related to the reduction of the environmental impact of the building sector. 

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Life Reusing Posidonia arrives to Ibiza

On the 3rd of November 2017 was opened the exhibition and the documentary of the Life Reusing Posidonia in the Ibiza cloister. The deputy major, Elena López, and the IBAVI technic director, Antonio Martín, took part of the presentation.

The assistants could see the documentary premiere which explains all the phases of the project and they took part of an interesting round table with three experts: Vicent Marí Serra, Carlos Velasco Reguero y Manu San Félix. Central issue: heritage, architecture and climate change.

The three speakers are gave their vision of the use of natural resources and the importance to struggle against climate change, each from his field. Vicent Marí is a traditional craftsman  in the construction, who was formed with the old people. Carlos Velasco is an architect by the ETSA of Madrid who defend the paper of the architecture as social dynamo. Nowadays he works in the development of a cooperative dwellings project. For last, Manu San Félix,  marine biologist and photography director of the Pristine Siguis project of National Geographic, where he is creating huge marine sanctuaries and is the person who cares about the 80% of the protected surface in our oceans.

The exhibition and the documentary were launched in Ibiza until the 13th of November. Before, it was launched in Formentera and their next stops will be Palma (the 24th of November in Palau Solleric) and Mahón (5th of December).

The project goal is to explain people how while we are looking for solutions for more sustainable solutions for construction we have forgotten what has been done for hundred years before the Industrial Revolution, for instance the posidonia insulations.

The exhibition in the Ibiza cloister was published in different media as Diario de Ibiza, Nou Diari and IB3 Televisió.

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

Life Reusing Posidonia: the book

Project book of Life Reusing Posidonia is available. 144 pages with original texts of IBAVI architects. It is also available in printed edition in Palma (Manuel Azaña, 9 street) or you can download the .PDF file here. 

Life Reusing Posidonia is Environmental Governance project from LIFE Program which has consisted of the construction of 14 social dwellings at Sant Ferran (Formentera). This book helps us to explain the origin and development of the project. 

Marc Pons, IBAVI president and Minister of Territory, Energy and Mobility at Government of the Balearic Islands, explain that we must enhancing our cultural tradition whilst promoting greater energy efficiency and the use of eclogical technologies because it helps to maintain and care for our natural resources. 

Joan Groizard, Director General of Energy and Climate Change at Government of the Balearic Islands explain that the opportunities offered by these regions as potential “laboratories” make island territories the perfect place to lead efforts to mitigate climate change and adapt to its impacts. This project demonstrates that the Mediterranean has the resources and the climate needed to significantly reduce energy consumption, both during the process of building houses and during their subsequent use.

Project goals are developed in this book; new production and consumption models; self-sufficiency, resources map and traditional architecture; the prototype of 14 social dwellings in Sant Ferran; the selection of the most representative materials; management of the entire water cycle; waste management; prototype monitoring and, above all, conclusions and recommendations done by competent authorities about climate change, regarding materials, CO2 and thermal comfort. 

For instance:

  1. For wood products from outside the EU, an FSC or PEFC forest management label should be required as a condition for being used in public works
  1. For all products made on an industrial scale, both in the EU and abroad, product traceability should be required at all ex- traction, manufacturing and distribution stages. 
  1. A CO2 emissions ceiling should be established for construction industries.
  1. Make known traditional materials. 

Life Reusing Posidonia book is written in both Catalan, Spanish and English.

The Life Reusing Posidonia project promoted by IBAVI in collaboration with the Balearic General Directorate of Energy and Climate Change at the CAIB has received a European grant of € 754,012 from the LIFE + 12 program in the Environmental Governance category for Climate Change Adaptation Projects.

Trip to Alghero, Sardenya

On the 16th of May of 2018 we exposed our project Life Reusing Posidonia in Dipartimento di Architettura, design e urbanistica, Università ...